Konnici na Liriite - Chevalier Du Lys

Za liriite! Za Tshesta! Za Smarta!” The Velikii Kniazz who rode at the forefront of the onslaught, his ensorcelled ebon blade hewing men to the left and cleaving men to the right, his grim eyes gleaming beneath his shimmering horned and plumed helm. The carnage of that first clash was phenomenal. The momentum threw the pikemen into shrieking disarray, and the vanguard of army fell back before the thundering resolve of the Orden attack. The baleful, pikes and spears took their toll upon the Konnici. But even that didn’t stop the mighty cataphracts which tore gloriously into the foremost rank of pikemen. They continue their sprint as nothing had happened. In their pass hundreds of soldiers lay in the ground trampled beneath the horses’ hooves. The sound of bones cracking smothered beneath the moaning of the pikeman. Caught by leprous swords and spears, men and mounts fell screaming to the dusty earth, where they were mercilessly rent and devoured by the slavering swords of the each other side.
September 2014
Protegee (Exiles of Arcadia #2) by James Gawley is an alternative history-fantasy version of the death of the Roman Republic ...
After enjoying the first three books of Old Man’s War, I decided to read Zoe’s Tale even though I was familiar with a common ...
September 2014
reviewed: The Last Days of Ector
This was my eightieth book I've read this year. I don't count short stories but this year I've heard some audiobooks so that ...
The Last Days of Ector - Guy Haley
finished reading:
September 2014
reviewed: Judge Dredd: Dreddline
This was one of the most interesting of Judge Dredd audiobooks I've heard. We've got a hijack of a train by a old cadet who w...
Judge Dredd: Dreddline - James Swallow
finished reading:
September 2014
reviewed: The Kauyon
I really enjoy this audiobook. Probably my favorite by far albeit some minor things that made me think I was playing the Fire...
The Kauyon - Andy Smillie, Toby Longworth, Christian Dunn, Howard Carter
reviewed: Iron Devil
Well this book was one I had some interest because:1- It was written by CL Werner2- I thought it was in Orks perspective (if ...
Iron Devil - C.L. Werner, Joe Absolom, Gareth Armstrong, Michael Fenner, Luke Thompson, Samuel Gunn, Simon Slater
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
September 2014
reviewed: The Distant Suns
I am sorry but I didn't enjoy this novel at all. It was by far the worst Moorcock book. Well I have not read that many but I ...
The Distant Suns - Michael Moorcock, Philip James
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Killer Crabs
I was tempted in created a new bookshelves called something like "How NOT to write a book".If you are a woman then you should...
Killer Crabs - Guy N. Smith
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Judge Dredd: I Love Judge Dredd
Probably the best audiodrama they produced. Full of twists and interesting tale where in the end everything connects. What a...
Judge Dredd: I Love Judge Dredd - Jonathan Morris
reviewed: Judge Dredd: Get Karter!
This book follows Judge Dredd: The Big Shot!This audiodrama is more focused on Steele her birth city. The past of Steele come...
Judge Dredd: Get Karter! - David Bishop
finished reading:
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Judge Dredd: Trapped on Titan
This tale was another one of my favourites. We've got Judge Dredd in jail?!? dam dum dam...This audiobook was simple but had ...
Judge Dredd: Trapped on Titan - Jonathan Clements
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Death Tour
This book is not good but neither it's bad. It's about a group of young people as they do their Scooby Doo Mystery Club (in t...
Death Tour - David J. Michael
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Judge Dredd: The Big Shot!
Great Judge Dread story - a bit too small to my liking about a Dredd being a bodyguard of a celebrity. Great action scenes......
Judge Dredd: The Big Shot! - David Bishop
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Judge Dredd: The Killing Zone
Easily the worst audiodrama they produced. Didn't hook me up. I think David Bishop is Big Finish and Judge Dredd's man.
Judge Dredd: The Killing Zone - Dave Stone
finished reading:
August 2014
reviewed: Strontium Dog: Down to Earth
This tale as a very good narration but I was not interested in their world and story. Nevertheless Big Finish really knows wh...
Strontium Dog: Down to Earth - Jonathan Clements
finished reading:

Currently reading

City of the Dead
John Whitman
Validus: The Emperor's Finest
Robert Allen
The Adventures Of Jules De Grandin
Seabury Quinn
The Warrior's Apprentice
Lois McMaster Bujold
Dreamsongs: A RRetrospective: Book One
George R.R. Martin
The King in Yellow
Robert W. Chambers
Consider Phlebas
Iain M. Banks
Caves of Ice
Sandy Mitchell
The Fellowship of the Ring
J.R.R. Tolkien
Time and the Gods
Lord Dunsany